To schedule appointments, please call our office at 864-331-2505 during office hours. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment please note that we require a 24-hour notification. If you are unable to keep your appointment and do not call to cancel the appointment, you will be considered a “no show” and may be billed a no-show fee.
New patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment. Please be sure to bring your insurance card as well as a photo ID. In addition, you will be asked to complete forms if you have not already done so.
New patient to us?
We’re so happy you have chosen us for all of your Dermatology needs! Please print and fill out the patient forms for your upcoming visit!
Contact Us
10 Enterprise Blvd, Suite 207 & 110
Greenville, SC 29615
Note: Dr. Price’s Suite 207 has an outside entrance. Ainsley Wingard’s Suite 110 has an inside entrance on the lower level.